E-mtb tours / single track

Ambelos Gorge mtb tour.

The tour starts from the village of Mohos, and we immediately start rolling down to the next village of Gonies. We ride with a view of Mount Dikti ahead and Mt. Selena on the left, while on our right is an artificial water reservoir. After passing Gonies and several small gorge exits, we reach the entrance of Ambelos Gorge, which will take us to the village of Kera for a short coffee break. Several small villages later, we return to Malia via the tarmac road.

Monastary mtb tour.

Experience the Vrahasi village, surrounded by monasteries and more technical tracks.

The tour starts from our base, located in Malia.We go east, through olive groves and banana plantations. The tour continues with a series of short climbs and descents, leading to the (Byzantine) monastery of St. George, near the village Vrachasi. At this point we enjoy a short break. To continue the tour we ride a more technical track that lead us up the mountain of Kavalara near Neapoli. We ride through forests, pass several monasteries and make our way down for a break in the town of Neapoli. Afterwards, we ride through the village of Latsida by taking a path from an abandoned quarry descending to the port of Sissi and conitinuing on to our final destination which is the ancient Minoan palace of Malia. 

 Mirrabello tour.

From Neapoli to Elounda and back.  A cross country tour with a combination of dirt road and asphalt,  the villages forgotten by time, the view of the historic island of Spinalonga and the most spectacular scenes of Mirrabello Bay make this tour totally unique!

More single track tours at www.MTBHUB.gr
